This Cat Found a Bird With a Broken Wing. What It Did Will Astound You…


Believe it or not, the cat — Mittens — gently grasped the injured bird in her jaws, then carried it into the house and placed it softly in the cat’s very own bed. From that day on, Mittens treated the bird as if it were her own offspring. She groomed the bird’s feathers with her tongue. She nudged the bird cautiously toward her water bowl, so the bird could drink. With her paw, Mittens nourished the injured bird with seeds that she herself had collected from the flower garden. At night, the two creatures shared a bed, the cat lovingly enfolding the bird with her furry tail. Finally, when the day arrived that the bird’s wing was completely healed and it was capable of flying away, Mittens pounced on the bird and tore it to pieces. It’s astounding how evil cats can be.



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